The above image shows the PILLOMITT with the small and medium pillows being used together to comfort the user's head and hands, and the large pillow, used as a pet lap bed to comfort the puppy. For optional comfort, he can grip the top edges of the small pillow for greater control; as well as fold or roll the small pillow and place it at the base of the medium pillow's pocket, to create a raised area to ergonomically support his neck.
In the above image, the PILLOMITT is shown being used on its flat surface as a laptop support to comfort the users lap by keeping it cushioned and cooler. For optional comfort, she can turn it over to place the cooler outer surface against her lap; as well as adjust its height, by removing one or both of the inner pillows.
Here, in the above image, the PILLOMITT is shown being used to comfort the user's hand, head, and face from the cold or hard surfaces of a car, bus, train, or plane; which if he falls asleep, may not fall down, as can a regular pillow. For optional comfort, he can choose between cooler and warmer pockets or surfaces; as well as adjust its thickness, by removing one or both of the inner pillows.
The above image shows the PILLOMITT being used to comfort and warm the user's hands and part of her
upper body. This use can be practical for those who suffer from hand or wrist ailments or injuries, which may benefit by keeping their hands supported and motionless within; or, due to the
effort, pain, or time involved, might find it undesirable to put on or remove gloves or mittens.
In the above image, the PILLOMITT is shown being used to comfort and support the user's hands and arms, which are resting motionless within its cooler pockets; thereby allowing them, along with her neck, shoulder, and surrounding muscles to relax. For optional comfort, she can switch to the warmer pockets; as well as turn it over, to place the cooler outer surface against her body.
Here, in the above image, the PILLOMITT is shown being used in a cold house to comfort and warm the user's hand while operating a remote control. With her hand placed through one side opening in a warmer feeling pocket, and the front end of the control sticking out of the opposite side; this allows her to easily locate and push the buttons of the remote control, as well as swiftly remove her hand, for some quick or delicate task.
The above image shows the PILLOMITT being used at an outdoor event on cold, hard surfaces to comfort and warm the user; after having been quickly taken apart for three separate purposes: one to sit upon, one to rest against, and one to warm his hands. Unlike with gloves and mittens, his hands can be quickly removed from the pocket: such as for clapping, taking photos, or using his smartphone.
In the above image, the PILLOMITT is shown being used with the small and medium pillows together, to comfort the user's head and hands, and the large
pillow, to cushion her knees and legs. For optional comfort, she can alternate between placing her hands within the cooler or warmer pockets of the small-medium, and large pillows; as well as
move or switch their locations.
And here, in the above image, the PILLOMITT is shown being used for a power nap to comfort the user's head, face, and hands. With his forehead on the outer surface, and his hands snugly within; his face and hands are comfortable, and his eyes are blocked from the light. For optional comfort, he can choose between cooler and warmer pockets or surfaces; as well as adjust its thickness, by removing one or both of the inner pillows.